Reduce Risk of Spreading more COVID-19 with Your iPhone

Knowing All Your Visited Locations

Joe T. Santhanavanich
Mac O’Clock
Published in
3 min readApr 12, 2020


illustration by Chaeyun Kim

Information Helps 👍

According to the study from The New England Journal of Medicine, they found that the COVID-19 can remain on copper for up to four hours, on cardboard for up to 24 hours, and on plastic and steel for up to 72 hours which means there is a risk being infected by groceries, packages, or any surface. According to Harvard Health Publishing, the incubation period of COVID-19 is about 5–6 days and the symptoms could appear in about 3–13 days afterwards. So when someone develops any signs for COVID-19 or gets COVID-19, it is very important to report their visited-locations at least in the past 2 weeks in details to the emergency sector so that they can stop the spreading by disinfecting or locking down the area in a good time. Fortunately, the iOS device stores complete information on historical visited-locations of users by default.

iPhone and Your Visited Locations 📍

Some of you may already have known about it but some may not! Your iPhone or iOS device stores the historical location where have you last visited. This feature is called “Significant Locations”.

According to Apple, the Significant Locations allow your iPhone to store and learn…

